it comes to wood stoves one of the first names that
always pops up is Vogelzang
wood stoves. Vogelsang is known for quality,
reliability and dependability. Dutch settlers
who settled in Michigan started the company back in
1907 with their famous motto: "Customers
globally for quality cast iron wood stoves, Vogelzang
can be found all across America, Europe and all colder
area countries. One of the most popular places to find
Vogelzang heaters are in the cabins of America.
of the older cabins you find in the mountains have a
Vogelzang wood burning stove inside and a lot
of hunters who set up hunting camps in the
for a week or two carry their Vogelzang cast iron stove
with them and place it inside the tent. This stove
is usually the standard boxwood stove.
Uses of Vogelzang Wood Stoves
in mind these outdoor wood burning heaters also serve
a dual purpose as they become a kitchen stove or cook
stove, water heater for coffee and a tent heater to
take out the evening chill while they sleep till dawn.
Vogelzang Wood Stoves review will focus on
the wood stoves that meet the 30% tax credit
rebate are a epa certified stove and are aair tight
stove. The following stoves meet these requirements.
- Performer
- Highlander
- Shiloh
- Durango
- Defender
had to double check this to make sure but what really
caught my attention was the guarantee Vogelzang offers.
year parts and labor.
As you have read in all our other reviews, most
wood stove manufacturers offer a 5 year warranty. As
you review these wood stove tax credit heaters make
sure and keep that in mind.
what Vogelzang offers is affordability with quality.
Let's take a look at their stoves.
Wood Stoves That Meet The 30% Tax Credit

Defender is a plate steel wood burning
stove that can heat a 1200 sq. ft home.
It meets EPA standards even in Washington
State who is known to have stringent air
quality standards. It's rated at 4.21
caught our attention with the Defender is
the BTU rating of 28,337. That's enormous
for such a small stove. It can handle
18 inch logs and the burn time of 8 hours
on low settings. It is rate at over
75% efficiency.
comes with adjustable legs and a pewter
trim and the door is made of cast iron steel.
It comes with an optional blower that
blows air from the back over the top of
the stove.
look almost identical to the defender with the exception
of legs. Instead of adjustable legs it comes with a
pedestal stand but other than that is has the exact
same ratings as the defender.
on the Highlander. Between the Shiloh, Highlander
and Defender they all appear to be the same thing with
very little changes. That is probably why the
prices are comparable.

Durango is a non attractive wood stove.
However, what it lacks I "looks"
it makes up for in production. This workhorse
wood burning stove accepts 26 inch logs
and can burn for 12 hours.
is rated at BTU: 36,089 which heats a home
up to 1800 sq. ft. It incorporates
a Turbo Burn technology. This technology
includes a series of cross drilled "re-burn"
tubes and a secondary air flow at the top
of the firebox which allows for more
complete combustion. That is why you can
burn for 12 hours. All of this allows
the Durango to meet a 3.6 grams/hour.
Performer is a beautiful wood stove with the qualities
of all the stoves into one. Beauty, efficiency, size,
performance, etc. Rated at a constant 29,421 BTU
it will heat a room up to 2200 sq. ft. You can
add a log up to 20 inches long and the max burn time
is 12 hours.
have used wood stoves for over 50 years now, lost our
home to a fire and still use wood stoves. We believe
if you take care of your stoves they will last a lifetime
but when you can find a very efficient wood stove that
will pay for itself within 10 years we will purchase
it. The big thing going for you now is that tax
credit. It last's till the end of 2011 so don't
hesitate if you are a serious buyer. Here are some Blaze
King Prices you can compare to.
learn more about these stoves visit: Vogelzang
Wood Stoves
to learn about the other wood stoves? Visit: wood
stove review
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